Web Hosting

Web Hosting is the process of providing some content or making some content available in the world wide web, which is accessible through a address called URL.

Steps to be followed while going to host a web site:

  1. Select a hosting provider
  2. Select a DNS registrar

In many cases the both can be offered by a same provider. This differs based on the free or paid hostings. If you require a free host (i.e) if you want to host youe web site with no cost then you can follow the below steps,

For Free Hosting:

  1. Choose the free hosting provider for example freehostia
  2. Create a hosting account. Its is very simple like creating a e-mail id.

Now your space to host the content is ready. While you are subscribing for the free hosting account the provider will provide you a free dns name. For example if you have created your account in freehostia then you will get an address like yourid.freehostia.com.

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