This video covers the basics of pentaho data integerator (Kettle)
About: Thiyagarajan
Posts by Thiyagarajan:
Getting Started in Talend ETL – Tutorial 1
Lets learn the Talend Open Studio by creating a simple job. Lets take a simple requirement as mentioned below, Compute Total JobWe need to read data from a mark sheet file and we need to compute the total of all the marks and it should be added as a new column and stored into a […]
Talend ETL (Talend Open Studio) – Introduction
Talend Open Studio is an open source data integration product developed by Talend and designed to combine, convert and update data in various locations across a business.It provides an eclipse based UI to create and maintain Jobs. It allows the user to select the code generation language for the Jobs designed in TOS. i.e when […]
Creating Datastage Operator
I just found a PDF file on the IBM developer works which explains step by step to create a simple operator and it covers basics of OSH.
java.lang.NullPointerException while running jobs in Carte – Pentaho
When the filesystem repository is used for storing jobs and on that time if we try to execute the job in cluster or in remote master/slave then the kettle will through the following error. java.lang.NullPointerException at org.pentaho.commons.launcher.Launcher.main ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke ( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke ( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke ( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 ( at org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.Spoon.main ( at org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.Spoon.start […]
Using tLineChart Component – Talend
The documentation for the tLineChart component is missing in the TOS Documentation. so thought of sharing some information for setting up and use line chart component. Line Chart component require the following fields to be available in the input flow, serie – a cost/value x – x axis value y – y axis value It […]
Custom Dialog for Talend Job
Some times we may require to show some dialog to the user when the job run (This wil be usefull when our requirement is not just a mesaage box and we need to get the input from the user). Also this will be more useful if you are planning to execute your job as a […]
I just tried out talend for one of my requirement and just got shocked with all of the features it got. Its an amazing freeware ETL tool loaded with complete features. It can be used for any application even outside ETL domain also. For example it can be used for automation, workflow monitoring and other […]
Monitoring Log Files in Unix 'tail-f'
All of us know that the tail command is used for getting the last lines of the file in unix. But the same command can allso be used for monitoring the log files actively, say for example if you want to monitor a log file which is being updated by a process then you can […]
Definition for Business Intelligence
Here are few definitions for business intelligence which are all very simple to understand, Business intelligence in the management perspective,