Getting The Battery Status on Acer 751h – Jolicloud

I know that there is a known bug which prevents the battery status from being displayed. There is a quick workaround for this which will get you the battery status in your status bar. Open Preferences – > Startup Applications Select “Add” button, and enter the following details, Name: For getting battery stateCommand: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/stateComment: Update the battery […]

DB Forms in DRUPAL

Hi, I found this part of code is very useful for adding custom forms in Drupal.   <?phpfunction booksearch_form() {    $output .= drupal_get_form(‘booksearch_my_form’);    $output .= booksearch_query();    return $output;} function booksearch_query() {     $sql = “SELECT * FROM bookshelf”; //your uber cool query goes here        db_set_active(‘booksearch’); //my separate db connection specified in modified settings.php    $result […]