Happy New Year !!!

!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Forget about the dayswhen its been cloudy, butdon’t forget your hours in the sun Forget about mistakesthat you can’t change now, butdon’t forget the lessonsthat you’ve learned Forget about the timesyou’ve been defeated, butdon’t forget the victories you’ve won Forget about the dayswhen you’ve been lonely, butdon’t forget the friendly […]


Can you donate Rs.3/- to the martyr’s families of Mumbai terrorist attack victims by sending the message SALAAM to 56388. It is an NDTV initiative. You will also receive a text back for this. I tried it and it works. Please pass this to all…..

Please Think

An Olympic Shooter wins Gold (only a Game) & the Government gives him Rs. 3/- Crore + awards. Another Shooter dies fighting with terrorist (Saving our Country & our Lives) & the Government pays his family Rs. 5/- Lakhs. TRULY GREAT INDIA !!!!!! Please forward to all Indians, that it somehow reaches our PRESIDENT, PRIME […]

Petition to be submitted to Prime Minister of India for Assertive Action

Please participate… Please view and endorse the enclosed page at PetitionOnline.com: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/26novAct/petition.html On 7th December 2008 this petition will be attempted to be presented to the Prime Minister of India. Till 7th December, endeavour is to collect at least 1 million signatures. Probably such mass need may stir the administration to take visible and needful […]

Personality Development

Personality Development என்பது இன்றைய உலகில் அனைவருக்கும் இன்றியமையாத ஒன்று ஆகி விட்டது . இது குறித்து தற்பொழுது அதிக நூல்கள் வரத்தொடங்கி விட்டன இருபினும் அவை பலவும் இலவசமாக வெளி இடபடுவதுஇல்லை . இத்தகைய சூழலில்www.stevepavlina.com என்ற இணைய தளம் இது குறித்த Podcast கலை இலவசமாக தருகிறது .