It is good to have an extraction operator for getting sub strings easily in datastage. But still it also has an ugly face.. at certain cases this will fail your job and if you dig you logs you will be ended with nothing. So when this creates the problem ? If you are using any […]
Datastage Functions Tutorial
A very good article describing the usage and syntax for various functions for datastage. Please check theis link : DATASTAGE FUNCTIONS
FATAL : Access to sys.dba_extents is required but not available
This error you will get when the user who is running the DSJob is not having the SELECT permissions to the DB Tables. For Clearing this Just Refer the Article Here :
Removing First Few Lines From Text File – Unix
For removing the first lines from file use this command, tail +(n+1) where ‘n’ is the number of lines you want to remove,If you want to remove first 3 lines then use, more filename.txt | tail +4
File Copy Stage In Datastage
When you need to send the output from a single input link to many output links then don’t do this in a transformer itself. Instead do it using file copy stage. This really improves the performance and preserves the datatypes.
How to remove Runtime Column Propogation in all the components in single step – Datastage
For removing the Runtime column propagation in all the stages defined in the current job, Goto Job Properties – > General Tab -> Un check “Enable Runtime Column Propagation for new link” It will ask whether you want to remove the RCP for the existing components also, Say ‘Yes’ now in all the existing links […]
Dont Ignore This Warning : APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0: Field 'XXXXXX' from input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped.
When you get any warning like below, APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0: Field ‘XXXXX’ from input dataset ‘0’ is NULL. Record dropped. Then don’t ignore this. Because this will case the job to ignore some records, Means those records will not be processed by any of the following records and you you will not get these records in the […]
Things to keep in mind while using Column Import Stage
In datastage while using the column import stage we may get the following error, main_program: Syntax error: Error in “export” operator: Error in operator arg: In field “Opt”: Expected “;”, got: “.”, line 53Error in “field_import” operator: Error in operator arg: In field “Opt”: Expected “;”, got: “.”, line 92 The main reason for this […]
Parallel Routines in Datastage
I was trying to do some string manipulation things in a Job in Datastage. Oops i forgot to mention the tool, its Datastage 7.5.1. As we knows it supports basic functions and few stages where we can do data manipulation and other stuffs. Still we cannot say that we can achieve all manipulations using those […]
Good and Great use of 'tr' command
Apart from the regular tr command usage, it can be used for performing the following tasks too, for converting a windows file to UNIX file use the following command, tr -d ‘15’ if you need to concatenate the digits from a string, here is a way: $ echo “Abc123d56E” | tr -cd ‘[[:digit:]]’Output:12356